
Select the number of each type of sample you want to sequence.

IMPORTANT : To sequence and analyse your samples, our laboratory needs all the details asked in the Sample Sheet.

1. Download and fill in the SampleSheet.

2. Drag & drop  SampleSheet + Reference below in case you have a Reference in fasta format (.fasta or .fa) available.

Providing us with a Reference improves the quality of the Bioinformatic analysis.

3. Place your order.

DO NOT FORGET to fill in the Sample Sheet and upload it with your order.

Sanger sequencing read from purified PCR product or Plasmid in individual Eppendorf tubes.
Sanger read length up to 1100 bp in Phred20 quality.

Delivery of text sequence (.fasta ) & chromatograms (.abi )
Prepare your plasmid DNA (12 uL at 100 ng/uL) or your purified PCR product (13 uL at 20 ng/uL) in individual 1,5 mL Eppendorf tube.
Benefit from up to 100 FREE universel primers available
In case you've your own specific primer, please provide us with 3 uL / reaction at 10 pmol/uL per reaction in separate 1,5 mL Eppendorf tube.