HUGE Viral Genome Long read SMARTSeq


Select the number of each type of sample you want to sequence.

IMPORTANT : To sequence and analyse your samples, our laboratory needs all the details asked in the Sample Sheet.

1. Download and fill in the SampleSheet.

2. Drag & drop  SampleSheet + Reference below in case you have a Reference in fasta format (.fasta or .fa) available.

Providing us with a Reference improves the quality of the Bioinformatic analysis.

3. Place your order.

DO NOT FORGET to fill in the Sample Sheet and upload it with your order.

HUGE Viral genome (75 to 125 kb) 3d Generation long read sequencing (read length up to 300 kb , minimum of 30X sequencing coverage ) is a service valid for viral genomes.

Ultra fast results delivery via personal & secure One Drive.

Available for 1 sample or a batch of samples.

Simplify your admin ! Place 1 order for a batch of prepaid barcodes and sequence when samples are ready.

Delivery of :

-raw data including quality score & text sequences ((.fastq files) ,

- polished consensus sequence (.fasta) and table with consensus bases quality scores and coverage at each position of the genome(.tsv and .xlsx),

- alignment on reference sequence (.bam file) in case you provided us with a reference genome.