HUGE genome Long read SMARTSeq


Select the number of each type of sample you want to sequence.

IMPORTANT : To sequence and analyse your samples, our laboratory needs all the details asked in the Sample Sheet.

1. Download and fill in the SampleSheet.

2. Drag & drop  SampleSheet + Reference below in case you have a Reference in fasta format (.fasta or .fa) available.

Providing us with a Reference improves the quality of the Bioinformatic analysis.

3. Place your order.

DO NOT FORGET to fill in the Sample Sheet and upload it with your order.

HUGE genome ( 10 to 12 Mb) 3d Generation long read sequencing (read length up to 300 kb , minimum of 30X sequencing coverage ) is a service valid for bacterial, fungi or yeast genomes.

Ultra fast results delivery via personal & secure One Drive.

Available for 1 sample or a batch of samples.

Simplify your admin ! Place 1 order for a batch of prepaid barcodes and sequence when samples are ready.

Delivery of :

-raw data including quality score & text sequences ((.fastq files) ,

- polished consensus sequence (.fasta) and table with consensus bases quality scores and coverage at each position of the genome(.tsv and .xlsx),

- alignment on reference sequence (.bam file) in case you provided us with a reference genome.